Guerra de Sexos / SEX WAR

20 agosto 2009


No soy machista y no tengo nada en contra de las mujeres, pero es que lo que se ve no se juzga, no puedo dejar pasar esta oportunidad para decirle a las queridas mujeres que andan en la ciudad de México que se pongan las pilas y tengan mas cuidado y no se las den de cafres, debemos tener una cultura del manejo y lo mismo va para los hombres que manejan en la ciudad del caos. me despido de ustedes y espero disfruten del vídeo.

This video is not for do a gag of every women, is only a video of much woman than want drive and take de drive and up to speed or try to driving, this video is funny and i hope than every body enjoy it. and don´t worry be happy, because the aztec calendar say that the end is coming soon. see you later.
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¡¡¡¡UN RAPIDÍN!!!!

Para que vean que trato de ser parejo en la guerra de los sexos, les pongo este vídeo que hace gala de lo rápido y atléticos que podemos ser los hombres. pero eso si nunca nos echamos para atrás en una carrera como esta! así que aquí les dejo la otra rebanada del pastel y por favor manden algo para publicar! saludos a todos.

i know than my english is crap, but i want than other people undertand, what the hell going on, and please is much people know enlgish and want say me in correct form, please write me ok?!. well this video is only for the much women than see this blog, not thinking than i am a macho man, for this reason i want show this video, because in the war of sex no body win, and if you don´t trust me; look at this!!, maybe this is the second pice of cake and please give me photos or videos ok!

and i want send special greetings! for IWONA enjoy it....

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Y continuando con esta guerra de los sexos, y para que vean que la cosa es pareja ahora pongo un vídeo donde se ve claramente esta guerra y quien gana al final hehehehe, y así podemos poner punto final a este tema de la GUERRA DE LOS SEXOS. espero lo disfruten y por favor ya aporten algo que esto no es lo mismo sin sus aportes.

I hope so than with this video all this theme at last arrive to finish because can´t continue find more videos about SEX WAR, only i want say than, it doesn´t matter who win in this war always is very funny and remember than we are complement not oil and water, for this reason nobody win in this war.

thanks for this trilogy of SEX WAR and remember to the force be with you!.

6 comentarios:

  1. You are right,this war hasn't got any winners but not all know about it..desire to win leads to desperation and dependence.But is that victory not a defeat then?
    We can discuss about it on your blog if you want,maybe some other will join us too,hehehe

    Thank you for your greetings:)
    I'm sending greetings for you too..

  2. jajaja, genial el video, el tipo ese si que es lento y precoz en la cama jajajaja, tambien esta de lujo el track de la semana... saludos al staff de la grieta!!

  3. My dear Iwona, this war, is a theme strange, because everybody has diferent opinion, however im very happy for read your comment in this blog, maybe later i put photos on the cementery or other interesting places you know! only i want send you much kisses and i hope you don´t forget me, remember me when somebady request capuccino. :oD take care and i need
    advertising for this page, so!! you know send to other contacts ok? of course when you have time hehehehehe and i hope you send me somenthing for upload. pa pa!

  4. Hola Obled:)) hehe nice pen-name:))
    Yes,everyone has different opinion on different topics..but it's a pity that I couldn't get your opinion,hehe
    Anyway I know that your photos are interesting and I'm sure that some other will look it with pleasure..

    Tell me yet, which character has your blog? gags-short,funny movies with comentarios or some photos? hmm...Ponieważ myślałam że można tu trochę porozmawiać, ale Twój blog..Całuski

  5. Muy divertido se me hace que mas bien ese cuate padece de eyaculación precoz, jajajajajaja.
    Que bien que ya estas de regreso.
    P.D. al verdadero intelecto de la buena música de tu liga, felicidades ranas.

  6. Well my opinion in this war is, the men everytime had the reason hehehehehe!, well is complicated this theme, but i think than all is complement men and women, and this war win when our think in one think, and i would like put more exponetion but you know may english is bad, but like always is a pleasure talk with you! IWONA and please i would like a capuccino, take care and bardzo Całuski....
    by the way i forget this blog is from photos, but in mexico much people like smile, for this reason theses video-gags but i put photos again dobra!? bye.

    My querida monika mas bien el gusto es que tu ya estés de regreso por aquí y que veas que no todo es HI5 así que dile a la nicktus que ya se de una vuelta por acá cuídate y espera que subiré nuevas fotos nos vemos.
